
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Kindergarten politics

By the time we became teens, most of us developed simple heuristics to classify the trustworthiness of our peers. Those who shared secrets with others were gossips. Those who kept confidences were trustworthy. We all probably remember those kids in a third category who would proclaim to anyone within earshot that they “know something you don’t know,” making sure that we recognized how special they were because of their proprietary knowledge. I classified those as immature, insecure ninnies who I eventually learned to ignore.

By the way, Stacy Campfield knows something we don’t know.


  1. Nemesis Girl said,
    on December 12th, 2007 at 10:38 pm

    That’s one funny post, Mike, especially when I went to the link. You’ve beautifully captured the spirit!

  2. democommie said,
    on December 13th, 2007 at 8:50 am


    You made me look up a word, “heuristic”, thank you. I didn’t think it was about the way they pack beef jerky, but I needed to be sure.

    My internets tubes are somewhat frazzled as I’m on the move, but I don’t got to read no Stacy Campfield to know that he is something “special”–in the “read to me, slowly” sense.

    Good to see your post. Keep ‘em coming.
